I decided to take the plundge, and see what a blog could do to help me link a series of thoughts together and research a way into the growing necessity for truth. By adding Unstrapped to the blog culture, I hope to share a perspective that will lead us to question our attachments which create a desire to own that which we idolize. I also want to bring up political and social diconnectivity. What are the issues we face today that mould us into who we are ideologically? Can we review our outlook? Can we learn to perceive in other ways? Is it possible to live a complete and simple life, and give others the respect of individualism? Through spoken word, rhyme, art, simply you, and prose- I invite readers to contribute their own stories and experiences. Is the weight of the world and it's incongruances in your head? Are you feeling tied down to someone or something? Are you feeling devoid of a sense of independence? Are you free, and want to share the freedom virus? Can you let go of your attachments and join a truly unstrapped world? More importantly, can you be real and true to yourself? If we can express ourselves freely, we can help each other come to a place of ease. Use this blog as a peaceful sanctuary where you can find a place to clear your mind and discover a refreshing new way to live! Through your interest here, we can get together and make this happen! The point? Spread this around like FIYA! Wear it with a smile that melts the layers away from the strapped. Let's talk about things that don't connect!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011


 Well. now that we know the radiation if definitely leaking and will soon be picked up by the westerly winds, after the snow storm they have today/tmrw, we will be in danger of becoming prey to the disaster- please remember that seaweed and iodine are two helpful supplements we can ingest to protect and coat our thyroids - which are the primary entry points in our bodies for radiation poisoning (remember that iodine is not necessary unless we hit rock-bottom)! Let's hope that we don't actually lose control of these plants out there, but, i believe the worst can be inevitable, and we don't really know the the answers to these questions about how to "control" the situation. This could indeed be the "sky is falling" time in our lives- it is time to love and reflect on our lives. It is also time to remember those things we have lost control of, like relationships, for instance. Make your contacts and rekindle your connections, or lack thereof. Even if we do maintain some sort of control over this disaster, this is the best time to come back to ourselves and patch those holes we have let grow out of control. Remember who we are in this world; specs of sand, stars in infinal space, and/or tiny ants working within a universal scale. All we really have is each other. Don't take this as just another mistake- this is for real. It can all disappear in the blink of an eye.
Much luv to you all- I am hoping for the best, but i fear the worst!  

I wrote this in 2004 when the earthquake hit the Indian Ocean and started the most devastating tsunami which took 260,000 lives... far more devastating but not responisble for Nuclear mishaps such as the latest:

And time only told how small we are
In comparison to the world we are by far
A spec of sand or a star in space
This world, it could leave is without a trace.
No warning, no tremor, will we hear
Nor will we know when it could all disappear
I am not sure if this concept has been known,
But after the recent story I think we’ve grown
A disaster as such, but perhaps a blessing
A blessing in disguise is the demise I am addressing
My fellow peeps, have you all too often
Thought you were invincible and did you soften
 To the perception that your little bubble of life
Which you call your own little trouble
Was actually just a roaming glance
From someone else and what’s the chance
That they really cared about who
 And where and when and how to chew
Straight through the picture you drew.
I could care less about money and bling
When all I can think to bring
To you is a sense of compassion
For all the people now living on a ration
Of bread and water to stay alive
But who am I? Laying in my bed
A fortunate soul trying to escape the dread
That has creeped into unknowing innocents
After this talk do you now feel an instant sense of relief? Just know it can go
><)))*>...fishin food for thought...

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