I decided to take the plundge, and see what a blog could do to help me link a series of thoughts together and research a way into the growing necessity for truth. By adding Unstrapped to the blog culture, I hope to share a perspective that will lead us to question our attachments which create a desire to own that which we idolize. I also want to bring up political and social diconnectivity. What are the issues we face today that mould us into who we are ideologically? Can we review our outlook? Can we learn to perceive in other ways? Is it possible to live a complete and simple life, and give others the respect of individualism? Through spoken word, rhyme, art, simply you, and prose- I invite readers to contribute their own stories and experiences. Is the weight of the world and it's incongruances in your head? Are you feeling tied down to someone or something? Are you feeling devoid of a sense of independence? Are you free, and want to share the freedom virus? Can you let go of your attachments and join a truly unstrapped world? More importantly, can you be real and true to yourself? If we can express ourselves freely, we can help each other come to a place of ease. Use this blog as a peaceful sanctuary where you can find a place to clear your mind and discover a refreshing new way to live! Through your interest here, we can get together and make this happen! The point? Spread this around like FIYA! Wear it with a smile that melts the layers away from the strapped. Let's talk about things that don't connect!

Monday, February 21, 2011


“I’m hurt and i can’t ride :( the only thing that keeps me from annihilation station - i need an exodus- what’s next? Because I’m going from a butterfly to a night crawler- some one catch me before I fall, or...if i can’t enjoy this snow then my metamorphosis has begun. When i spun round and instead of going up I’m goin’ down- feed me Tequilla and/or Crown- anything to turn this frown royally upside down”
I had a momentary lapse of strong-will when I wrote the above, Feb 18th. We spend so much time reevaluating our senses in order to stay positive and live our lives free of the paper weight. There has to be a time when inevitably, the weight gets to be heavy, and just as the snow comes toppling down the rooftop, a moment can be spent in silence as you allow yourself to find a low point in being. Just as there is a yin to every yang, there will always be a low to a high. It is in how you allow yourself to feed into it and it is in how you allow it to affect the deepest innards that we must be reflective toward. We are, after all, human. Whatever that means! HA!
I feel I entered an abyssal obsidian space for a reflective moment, and realized at the end of the two week + two (harsh) day down period, that it was alright to have a feeling of disappointment. It is always alright to have a down time, so long as one can come through to the other side in one piece. I have suffered from 5 seasons of downtime:- Winter and Me = lots of air time, lots of height, and my four little pegs to catch it all upon a hard pack non snowed terrain-(yes, yes- all my fault). At some time, it’s not always going to work out. Injury city has been a phenomenon I have not had to really ever deal with until the last 5 years. Funny enough, I quit competing Boardercross after winning Nationals for fear of being injured!
 After my somewhat severe injuries last year, on top of the ones prior, I definitely became sullen when I discovered that even after 2 weeks of (current) downtime, I still could not ride. My idea of an injury free season was largely crushed and my desire to win back lost time from other injuries was squashed. However, one might ask, why am I so inclined to continue to live this way and not learn from these mistakes? I do learn. I learn how to take a blow with onset. I learn to try not to make the same mistake twice. Every injury has had a different story. I have learned from each. This is something I must do to enjoy life the way I want to know it.
A diet crush is just not a diet for me. A SLAM crush is. Jack it up. The sensation that I feel when I am in the air, and one of the few girls there, is priceless. Unexplainable. The only thing I can learn is to not come down on myself when I make a mistake and feel the pain. Time is endless in the universe and short lived in this physical waking life. We have to treat ourselves to the endorphins we were made of. Anyone care to join me?!! I will continue to ride, when I hopefully do get back to it in March, I will stay off the big jumps for the remainder of the season, but when that fresh Miracle March hits, I’m gunna be ready. And I’m open to any fresh reminders from friends to be good to my physical health while riding. No terrain park jumps! Cheers *)

><)))*>...fishin food for thought...

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